Click on the link to send in your sightings to help us monitor Emm Brook wildlife.This type of ‘citizen science’ allows us to get a clearer picture of what is happening along the Emm.

For previous months sightings see Archive

The "Area Seen" refers to the 11 sections that the Brook has been split into for monitoring purposes (see Wildlife page under Monitoring ).

For what you can expect to see on the Emm this month, click here February

All sightings unless stated are from personal observations by Eddie Napper.

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February 2025

What is this life if full of care , we have no time to stand and stare.

Leisure - W. H. Davies.


07/02/25 A male Mistle Thrush was heard in song from oaks along the Emm Brook in Area 4 by Paul Bright Thomas.

05/02/25 In Ashridge Stream behind Skinner Drive balancing pond in Area 7A an adult Little Egret was seen by Paul O'Neill.

04/02/25  Cormorrant In Area 7A at the old dead Oak tree at Skinner Drive balancing pond 3 Cormorrant were resting.

02/02/25 At Lavell’s Lake Car Park Field in Area 10 seen by Fraser Cottington were 2 Mistle Thrush on the east side of the field.

01/02/25  Goldfinch A Goldfinch made a rare appearance on the Sunflower Hearts in my Area 4 garden. During the litter pick a Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard drumming away.


05/02/25  Pale Brindled Beauty This has been a very quiet period thanks to the lengthy cold snap and the lights remained off for the majority of it. However I thought that I had seen a chance so the moth trap was back out overnight on 04/02/25 at dusk in my Area 4 garden and emptied this morning .It produced a catch of 2 moths of 2 species.These were another Spring Usher Agriopis leucophaearia and a Pale Brindled Beauty Phigalia pilosaria . The total for 2025 is still 6 species. Following inspection and recording/photographing anything caught was released. .

02/02/25  Spring Usher I left the patio light on overnight on 01/01/25 at dusk in my Area 4 garden and on the wall this morning was a solitary Spring Usher Agriopis leucophaearia a new moth for the year.The total for 2025 is now 6 species. Following inspection and recording/photographing anything caught was released.

01/02/25  Common Quaker A new month so the moth trap was back out overnight on 31/01/25 at dusk in my Area 4 garden and emptied this morning .It produced a catch of 7 moths of 3 species.These were Common Quaker Phigalia pilosaria the micro moth Agonopterix heracliana and 5 Pale Brindled Beauty Phigalia pilosaria .  Agonopterix heracliana With 2 new moths added ,the total for 2025 is now 5 species. Following inspection and recording/photographing anything caught was released. <

Plants/ Trees

Every year the leaves on the trees and hedgerows change colour from green to a yellow/gold before falling , find out why at Why do leaves change colour .

04/02/25   Lords-and-ladies Another early flowering plant , Lords-and-ladies Arum maculatum is starting to appear in Area 10. It has waxy, arrow-shaped leaves that are sometimes spotted with black splodges. All parts of the plant are poisonous.

02/02/25  Lesser Celandine In Area 5 the first Lesser Celandine Ficaria verna are starting to emerge.A cheerful sight in spring with its bright yellow flowers, Lesser Celandine is a good source of early pollen and nectar for pollinating insects.


Do not eat any fungi that have not been properly identified , some are DEADLY when ingested .



03/02/25  Otter foot print In the mud under the green bridge in Area 10 where the Emm Brook meets the Loddon was what I am reliably informed is the rear left footprint of an European otter Lutra lutra . Photo courtesy of Keith Boseley

02/02/25 At 03:30, I was woken in Area 4 by a very noisy Red Fox Vulpes vulpes . Mating takes place in winter and this is when foxes are at their most vocal, barking and screeching loudly as they look to attract a mate and fend off rivals.
